Wednesday, July 15, 2020

My Vintage "Rake Rack" DIY

What is a "Rake Rack"? Check out the details and DIY of my vintage garden-rake-turned-rack! Photos and instructions are included.

I love vintage and antique items, and I am always searching for items to add to my collection. I also like to display these items in a unique way, so a picture that I saw online of a rack made out of a rake really caught my attention.

I found a vintage garden rake while "shopping" in a collector's barn. He had decided to sell some of his vast collection of farm paraphernalia, and my husband and I were looking over his wares. The rake had a wooden handle, but my husband assured me that he could break the handle off.

I had bought several utensils and gadgets in antique shops in Texas and Virginia, and so I felt that I could combine all these items into a nice display.

Below is the blank wall on the side of the microwave/oven unit in my kitchen where the "Rake Rack" would hang.

Blank Kitchen Wall

My husband Charlie was able to break the handle out of the rake. It came out rather jagged, just the way I wanted it! 

He then used his drill to attach the handle to the blank kitchen wall with a wood screw. He used the level on his iPhone to get the rake straight.

For more stability, Charlie attached a wood screw under the top metal frame on both sides. Again, the level did its job!

I used craft paint in a matching wall shade to paint the screws. 

I then started arranging and rearranging the utensils. This arrangement wasn't quite right.

The slicer wouldn't hang from the rake, so I added a rope tie and combined the spoons. I like it!

Finally, it was time for the rolling pin. I have several, so it was decision time again!

I decided that this rolling pin from the Magnolia Shop in Waco Texas looked best.

I am so pleased with my Vintage "Rake Rack"! It looks great in my Log Home! 

Now, on to the next project!

My Vintage "Rake Rack"

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